AKC Registered only for litters containing pups that are to be BRED or SHOWN
The Pug is well described by the phrase "multum in parvo" which means "a lot of dog in a small space." They are recognized for their even-tempers, playful personalities, and their outgoing, loving dispositions. This square and cobby breed comes in fawn, silver fawn, apricot fawn or black, with a well-defined "mask" on his muzzle. A popular companion dog, the pug also excels in the show ring.
   The Pug is one of the oldest breeds of dogs and has flourished since before 400 BC. Most researchers agree that the breed comes from Asia, due to its similarities to the Pekingese. China is the earliest known source for Pugs, where they were pets of the Buddhist monasteries in Tibet. The breed next appeared in Japan and Europe, becoming popular when Prince William II became the King of England. He owned Pugs and they became the fashionable breed for generations.

***​​Pugs are a wonderful breed of dog, but they’re not for everyone. As Pug advocates, it’s our responsibility to provide the negative aspects of Pug ownership, too. We take this approach because we want Pugs to be in appropriate homes, for their benefit as well as your own.

When selecting a dog, it’s vitally important to match breed with owner so that the experience for all involved is a positive one. There are many things you should consider before you even begin your search, and what follows is a compilation of the most commonly mentioned downsides to Pugs. This article is designed to focus on the people side of Pug ownership, to help you decide whether your personality and lifestyle fits with the nature and characteristics of the Pug breed.

We urge you to consider the following downsides carefully and seriously before deciding to buy or adopt a Pug:

Health Issues: The bottom line regarding Pugs and health is that Pugs are prone to a myriad of genetic health issues and require more veterinary care than the average breed of dog. If you get a Pug, be prepared to make a lot of trips to the vet. Not every Pug will require frequent vet visits, but many do; so it’s in your best interest to plan on spending a lot of time and money at the vet’s office. If you don’t have the time, money, or willingness to commit the next 12 years to a dog that may have frequent and significant health problems, DON'T GET A PUG.

Shedding: Pugs shed a lot. In fact, they shed more than a lot. They shed tons. If you read or hear anything to the contrary, you’re either getting misinformation or the input of someone whose Pug is a rare exception to the norm. If you get a Pug, you’ll have fur all over the place: on every piece of furniture, on all your clothes, and in your car. You don’t even have to put your Pug in the car; the fur just will be there and everywhere else. If this is at all a concern to you, don’t get a Pug. Never shave your Pug. Their fur insulates them from hot and cold. Without that protection, they are more prone to cold and heat.

House-training: Pugs are not the easiest dogs in the world to house-train. They’re small, which makes them inherently more difficult to house-train than large dogs that have a greater capacity to “hold.” Their size may not be the biggest obstacle to house-training however, as Pugs tend to have a stubborn streak which makes them less than cooperative students. Skilled and experienced dog owners usually manage to house-train their Pugs within 3 months of bringing their dog home. The majority of Pug owners, however, often find house- training a task that takes a year or even longer. If the idea of a year’s worth of poops and pee on the carpet isn’t tolerable to you, don’t get a Pug.

A Pug is Your Shadow: Pugs are clingy dogs because they’re people dogs that thrive on human companionship. This shouldn’t come as any surprise because they were bred to be companion dogs. If you get a Pug, expect it to be at your feet and under your feet all the time. Not once in a while or during meal time -- all the time. A Pug will follow you everywhere. Some people find this endearing; other people find it maddening, or at least occasionally annoying. Think long and hard about this one because you may not realize it bothers you until it happens. If this clingy nature is something that you think might bother you, or if you enjoy going to the bathroom alone, don’t get a Pug.

Pugs Don’t Catch Frisbees: Pugs are low-activity dogs. This means that they sleep a lot, as much as fourteen hours a day. It also means that Pugs have short bursts of energy, so you won’t see a Pug run very long or very far before it slows down and retreats for a nap. A Pug isn’t going to jog alongside you on the sidewalk. It won’t even consider trying to catch a Frisbee. Most Pugs won’t even fetch a ball or a stick. If you’re an outdoor person seeking to share your active outdoor lifestyle with a dog, don’t get a Pug.

Pugs are Indoor Dogs: Stated quite simply, Pugs cannot tolerate high temperatures and humidity. This type of weather is unhealthy for Pugs, and overexposure to this type of weather can cause immediate or long-term health problems ranging from heat stroke to organ damage. If you live in a warm-weather climate and you don’t have air conditioning, don’t get a Pug.

Pug Maintenance: Pugs require a fair amount of grooming and general care. They have to be brushed frequently to minimize shedding. Pugs have facial folds which need to be cleaned every other day, every week, or every month, depending on the dog. Their nails grow fast, very fast, and need to be trimmed often. Pugs also are prone to having their anal sacs fill, and these sacs must be drained from time to time -- not a pleasant or easy task if you choose to do it yourself. If you prefer not to do it, then you’ll need to take your Pug to the vet to have it done, sometimes several times per year. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance dog that requires minimal grooming, don’t get a Pug.



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